
Provide students’ knowledge and practical skills by integrating systematic thinking and new technologies and to produce ethically professional and leadership civil engineers who can address the global current and future challenges.


Civil and Infrastructure Engineering program (CIE)

  • C – Challenge: Global dramatically changes. Our civil engineers can handle pressure and address the global future challenges.
  • I – Integration: Our student can develop systematic thinking and apply innovative technologies for civil engineering works.
  • E – Education: We provide knowledge and practical skills in civil engineering for our students.

Key feature:

The civil engineering course (International program) is designed to help students develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills in civil engineering career. In addition, attentive learners can be trained to understand the fundamental elements of civil engineering and ready to apply them for future technological innovations in civil engineering areas. The program concentrates on specialized civil engineering fields such as railways engineering management, building information modeling, smart urban planning, disaster management, construction and maintenance using local materials.

Career opportunities:

  • Structural engineer,
  • Geotechnical engineer
  • Transportation engineer
  • Highway engineer
  • Site engineer
  • Hydraulic and water resources engineer
  • Surveyor
  • Project manager
  • Construction consultant
  • Public officer
  • Contractor

Tuition fee:

  • Thai students
    • 50,000 Baht per semester
  • Foreign students
    • 70,000 Baht (~ 1,868 USD) per semester