Academic Events at the Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering always has supported a variety of student activities to ensure that the students get experience for their professional and personal life. The main aims of such activities are to develop social responsibility and engagement and to equip them with team-working skills through activities.

BlueLab Thailand Project

BlueLab Thailand Project is a corporation between the University of Michigan, United States and the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University. It aims to implement social, economic and environmental sustainable technologies using human-centred design. The team currently focuses on developing sustainable flood mitigation solutions in Northern Thailand through co-design. Students work with the Department of Disaster Mitigation in the municipality of Mae Chan to conceptualize, test and iterate prototypes.

CMU – HBNU International Capstone Project

Capstone project is a collaboration between Hanbat National University, South Korea and the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University. Students pick a topic according to their interests and conduct a capstone project together. They start the project at one university, remotely work on it for the whole year and finally present their project together at another university. This project will also become an integral part of the university degree curriculum for CMU students.

International Engineering Design Challenge

International Engineering Design Challenge is the collaboration between universities in Japan; Akita University of Art, Gifu City Woman’s College, and Muroran Institute of Technology and two universities in Thailand; Naresuan University and Chiang Mai University. Students work together on a creative topic assigned and have academic field trips to gather ideas for the workshop.

KU – CMU Summer Camp

KU – CMU Summer Camp is a short-term exchange program held at the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University every two years. Students from Kyoto University, Japan will have an opportunity to work with CMU students. The activities include a conference lectured by professors from both universities and a field trip to alternative energy facilities around Chiang Mai. Then, the students will be grouped and assigned a workshop on “The development of Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia”. Each group has to brainstorm how to deal with the problem and suggest ideas to creatively solve it. As a result, aside from academic knowledge gained, students also benefit from oversea cultural exchanges and relationships.

The Tri University International Joint Seminar and Symposium

The Tri University International Joint Seminar and Symposium was initially organized in 1994 in collaboration with Chiang Mai University, Mie University and Jiangsu University. Since then, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, and Guangxi University, China have also joined. Each university takes turn to host this conference in order to enable students and faculty members to have an opportunity to exchange their academic opinions in the fields of population, environment, energy and food as well as to strengthen their collaborative relations.

Winter School Program Chiang Mai – ECAM Lyon

The Winter Camp is the collaboration between ECAM Lyon Engineering School, France and the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University. It focuses on study, workshop and group discussion in robotics. Students are assigned to design robots which compete against their enemies at the end of the camp. Not only do students learn about robotics, but also Thai language and culture. They will also have a chance to visit laboratories, local technology companies, and local communities in Chiang Mai.