Major Events on Campus

Apart from academic events, Chiang Mai University provides support to students to create events enriching the campus community. Not only can students learn about the charm of Northern Thai culture, but also show their talents through these events.

Angkaew Festival

Angkaew Festival is an event providing students with a chance to show their talents in acting, dancing, drawing, singing, and photographing.

CMU Book Fair

CMU Book fair is regularly hosted in February every year. A variety of books are on sale at a reasonable price, from academic to fantasy novels and popular authors are invited to give special interviews. The fair is not only for bookworms but it is also popular for food buffs as there is a large number of food booths at the fair.

CMU Trekking

Every year around September, Chiang Mai University organizes the CMU trek to Doi Suthep Mountain temple, starting from the university’s main entrance. The trek is more than 14 kilometres long and freshmen, students, and alumni come together in unity and re-kindle the university spirit as they walk up the mountain together.

For this occasion, each faculty prepares ornamental objects that are used to pay respect to the Buddha image in the temple. Most of the trekkers will wear the Thai traditional costume or the faculty shirt or t-shirt as a reflection of unity. This trek is also one of the welcoming ceremonies for the 1st year students.

Sansin Kin Eaow Euh

Sansin Kin Eaow Euh is held around January and February each year. It gives an opportunity for Thai and foreign students to identify where they come from. It is a cultural festival including costumes, cuisine, languages, as well as traditional performances. Interesting entertainment includes musical performances and a cooking contest.

Sports Day and Spirit Night

Around October each year, a Sports Day and Spirit Night are held. One of the highlights of this event is the cheer leader’s competition, where students show their creativity with their grandstand seating decorations, the cheer leader’s choreography and the chants used to cheer the athletes on.

Wai Kru Ceremony

Wai Kru Ceremony is on the 1st month of the 1st semester. The ceremony is for students to pay respect to their lecturers. Freshmen take their vows to be good students and to be motivated in successfully advancing their education. At this ceremony the freshmen wear special occasion uniforms, women wear purple skirts while men wear purple neckties and white trousers. The students carry into the ceremony an elaborate display of flowers that is designed by each faculty and is used by the students to show their respect to the representative lecturers.