Self-Study Areas

A co-working space, known as MeSpace was established to provide a large general study area, a reading room, meeting rooms and a small-scale workshop exclusively for undergraduate students of the Mechanical Engineering program. MeSpace is divided into 4 zones. Each zone is designed for a particular purpose.

  1. General Study Zone: The general study zone is a large central area in MeSpace where students can study together. Here, students can meet and discuss, mostly cooperating on homework’s and assignments. There are a variety of studying tables, chairs, and a photocopy machine in the General Study Zone
  2. Reading Zone: MeSpace also offers a quiet reading room with block-type tables for private study. Students who would like to have their own quiet place to study can therefore take advantage of this room where there are 35 tables available for individuals.
  3. Meeting Zone: 6 meeting rooms are allocated in this zone. Students can use them for group study such as tutoring, discussing their projects, and practicing presentations before oral exams.
  4. Maker Zone: A small-scale workshop, known as “Maker Club”, is also available in MeSpace. In this zone, 3D printers and various hand tools are available for students to produce parts for their interests. There are technical staff members monitoring students. Since the main purpose of Maker Club is to enhance practical skills and enable opportunities for testing innovative designs, its use is therefore not limited to course-related assignments. Students can use these tools and equipment for extracurricular activities.
General Zone
General Zone
Reading Zone
Reading Zone
Meeting Zone
Meeting Zone
Maker Zone
Maker Zone

MeSpace also serves as a location for senior students to use the facilities to carry out their capstone design projects. Enhancing students’ soft skills particularly communication and team-working skills is a feature of this space. MeSpace is therefore considered an important key facility that contributes significantly to attaining student outcomes, especially those related to team-working and interpersonal skills.

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday:     8:30 am. – 10 pm.